Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Hey everyone
Well So far what I have seen of Nampula is very interesting. It is not flat like Maputo, it has some curves to it and in places there are these huge mountainous like rocks that just jut out of the earth. It is definitely interesting. ~I really hávenºt seen anything else. I think I am in the city but I really donºt know, if I am its really small. It is supposedly the 3rd largest in Moz so I don´t think i have seen what this place has to offer yet. I will see more when I go shopping after I write this email. We have to get everything for our house today and then take it for a 2 hour road trip to our house. How not fun, but it has to be done. So it seems more and more like the town that we are going to is rural. They said it was and continue to tell us that it has nothing. I found out we have a nice school, our school has a computer and a vehicle, which means we can catch a ride into Nampula with whomever is going into town, which saves us money on chapa rides. We are also the first female teachers in our school. So I am not sure how that will work. Not only are we women but we are American. I Am sure there will be plusses and minuses.
So today our PC director that is with us to help us get settled in was telling us how our school director was saying that he is thinking about a different house for us to move into, I guess because he thought this one wasnºt good enough. Who knows, the Peace Corps is just like we dumped a lot of money into this house what are you doing. I guess this guy didnºt realize that he was really getting volunteers.
Okay I am going to end this here because this computer is taking so long to load pages and I really want to be able to read my emails that I received. So sorry mom for not sending you a personal email, Jeannette and the kids and Scott is was nice talking to you guys last night. It definitely brightened my night. I love hearing all of your voices. Farhana thanks for the advice. Cor I got your package and thanks a mil, I am waiting to open the gifts!! Mom you know i got your package and am waiting on one more.
So I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I will be thinking about all of you.
Love and Miss you all,
Shells xoxooxoxo

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