Thursday, January 13, 2005

Hey everyone
Well I made it to Mozambique yesterday-1/13. I got released from South Africa but we are still waiting on my test results. They think I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but we are still waiting. I am happy to be back. My boyfriend and his family and my site mate's boyfriend were at the airport to pick me up, which was a nice welcome home present. We will be leaving here on Saturday, so feel free to call me. I am so excited about going home to see my kitty cat. I know he has missed me and is probably really thin, since he never eats well when I am not around. Yesterday I participated in our conference but today I am at the office doing our Mid service medical stuff. Ok, well I am glad to hear from those that emailed me.Jeannette make sure you tell mom that I am on my cell.
Love ya guys,Michelle

Cor- found a house yet?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Well I am at our medical office and it is tuesday, 9am. We haven't heard anything yet, but if it is good news you won't hear anything from me till I don't know when. If it is not so good news, I imagine you will hear from me tomorrow. I am hoping for good news this morning, which means that I could be on a plane by this afternoon and back in Mozambiqe. If I get the news in the afternoon, I will leave on Wednesday, which still isn't bad.Otherwise everything is good here. I am restless and ready to leave. I really want to see everyone in our Mid service conference that we are having.
Oh FYI, I have actually been updating my webpage
So until next time,
Michelle Kramer, PCV

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Hey Everyone
Well I am back on the African continent. Currently I am in South Africa. I had my medical stuff done yesterday, tube down one end and up the other. It wasn't that bad, I think the worst was having to drink the stuff to prepare for the exam. I got to watch them explore my large intestine and they said that everything looked good. They are doing a biopsy of my colon and then I should know the results on Tuesday. They said I might have Irritable Bowel syndrome, but who knows. Hopefully I will be back in Mozambique no later than Wednesday because we have a conference and I am missing all the volunteers in my country and really would like to get to spend one night with them. Plus my boyfriend is waiting for me in the capital where the conference is and I am looking forward to seeing him.Well that is really all the news I have for now. I am currently still enjoying all the first world amenities, And mom be prepared for a few charges from South Africa. I think I only charged food in Paris and some pants from South Africa. I went shopping at a huge mall today, 4 stories mind you.Ok, I will talk to everyone later.I had a great time seeing everyone.Karen I still have your gift in the states, I guess it will be another year....Sorry

Monday, January 03, 2005

Hey everyone~
Well I am off in two days!! Back to Mozambique for one more year. For everyone that I failed to say goodbye to well this is it, sorry it's not personal, but Goodbye and see you next year....sometime. Just wanted to say thanks to all those that made my homecoming feel special..and you know who you are. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New year. I know I did. I got to spend the time with my family. I will send out an email next week and let everyone know how my doctors appt. for my stomach went and I should have my cell phone from about the 11th till the 15th of this month.
Anyhow Tchau(Chow)